Table of Content
Here only topics related to the regions. It will give an overview of several.
See the link section of each to get more detailed information about certain
dungeons or special resources. Get your region:
If you want to bring your own contribution to this FAQ, I'm entirely
open to all your propositions. If you have other questions that needs quick
answers fell free to ask and contact me.
The Regions
Dagger Wound Island
Dagger Wound Island is the start point region of the adventure of the 8 th
sequel of the Might and Magic saga. This means of course that
you will have an easy why with the local monsters.
This region has some interesting points. First the region is under constant thread of hordes
of Pirates attacking. The locals will support you in the fight. But the regeneration is
constant; at least 36 times the pirates will respawn and attack you. They have a frequency of appearance
of approximately 1-hour interval.
Map & Statistics
Archipelago of different sizes, the main island has a dagger shape. Before the cataclysm
bridges linked each island. From now one you need to use the teleporters.
Monsters |
Lizardmen Warrior 1 (Lizardman Soldier, Lizardman Sergeant and Lizardman Captain),
Pirates (Pirate, Boucanier and Corsaire),
Serpent (Young Couatl, Couatl and Winged Serpent)
| Quests | Dadeross, Potion of Pure Speed, Champion Acromage, Portals Cristala and Cure Diseases Scrolls. | Statistics | Respawn: 2 year, Traps: 0, Treasure: 0, Hostile Encounter: 10% {0%, 100%, 0%} |
1 These monsters are pacific; they will only attack you if you take the initiative.
The Monsters are the classes and each type you can find in the region. All quests
linked to this region are listed in the second row. The statistics are, in order, the
number of years before respawn, the trap level, treasure level and hostile encounter.
For more details see the regions statistics section (link below).
Interesting Points
Some other interesting points are the Easter Eggs. You will find many of them in this
region. In summary:
- A buoy with +2 development points for the character that touch it first (cyan
f on the map).
- A buoy with +5 development points for the character that touch it first (cyan
g on the map).
- A flower with that gives a simple ring if your active character has level 5 in repair
items (cyan i on the map or coordinates: X : -18'765, Y : 5'970).
- A thirsty tee, it empty a bottle of your inventory each times you touches it. But you
need to have a level 3 at least in repair item to let it work. (cyan k
on the map or coordinates: X : 4'075, Y : 7'965)
The chest at the cyan h as well as the Pirate Outpost at the yellow
4 and the goodies around are only available if you are allowed
to go to Regna.
Finally, other particular points are the 3 ships with each a Pirate Commander. In the ship
A you find Captain Zyrain, in ship B
you have Admiral Nelson and in ship C you have Admiral
Clausewity. They can attack with exploding arrows!
- The Region of Dagger Wound Island
- The Region of Regna
- Easter-Eggs
- Abandoned Temple
- Leave Dagger Wound Island
- Regions Statistics
This is one of the most beautiful regions of Jadame. It has a big forest with nice sweet
inhabitants. This is also an excellent spot for some hunting. Especially Unicorns King meat
is a delicatessen on the BBQ :).
Map & Statistics
The different patterns you can identify on the map are simply stones aligned in the nature.
No particular reason here.
Monsters |
Will O' Wisp (Dancing Light, Wisp and Will O' Wisp),
Basilisk (Young Basilisk, Basilisk and Elder Basilisk),
Unicorn (Unicorn Foal, Unicorn and Unicorn Herd Leader),
Priest 1 (Acolyte of the Sun, Cleric of the Sun and Priest of the Sun)
| Quests |
Champion Acromage and Potion of Pure Personality.
| Statistics | Respawn: 1 year, Traps: 2, Treasure: 3, Hostile Encounter: 10% {60%, 20%, 20%} |
1 These monsters are pacific; they will only attack you if you take the initiative.
The Monsters are the classes and each type you can find in the region. All quests
linked to this region are listed in the second row. The statistics are, in order, the
number of years before respawn, the trap level, treasure level and hostile encounter.
For more details see the regions statistics section (link below).
How to get there?
One question that many ask is "How to go to Murmurwoods?". Most people travel only by
coach or boat. You must know that traveling in the Might and Magic
games can also be done by the most antic way of traveling in the known universe: by foot!
So the only possible way to go to Murmurwoods is by foot (later one by magic
means if you have the power to do so). So, fart your shoes, take some anti-blasters creams with
you and don't forget some food supply (5 portions is enough) and go forth! From Alvar
you must go West of the region or from Garrote Gorge go North. The travel is 5 days
and cannot be reduced.
Once you arrive there go first to the village in the southwest, then explore the region.
There are many monsters lurking around so invisible helps a lot. If not prefer fly to rush past
all the stacks of monsters.
This region hides several Easter-eggs, and one of them is really powerful. You have also access
to the Plain of Air from here. Enjoy the fresh air!
- The Region of Murmurwoods
- The Plane of Air
- Easter-Eggs
- Regions Statistics
Regna is the island of the Pirates. Stanley and his minions as established their
base in this beautiful paradise island in the middle of the south sea of Jadame.
This is also the second region of Jadame (according to the obelisks).
Map & Statistics
Regna is a moon shaped island, but no Dark Priests are to be found here.
Monsters |
Bandit (Regnan Bandit, Regnan Pirate and Regnan Brigadier),
Regnan Crossbowman (Regnan Crossbowman, Regnan Arbalester and Regnan Lieutenant),
Regnan Mage (Regnan Sorcerer, Regnan Battlemage and Regnan Archmage)
| Quests |
Champion Acromage, Stanley's Treasure and Sink the Regna Fleet.
| Statistics | Respawn: 2 year, Traps: 5, Treasure: 4, Hostile Encounter: 10% {34%, 33%, 33%} |
The monsters you encounter in Harecksburg are all passific. They will only attack you
if you take the initiative.
The Monsters are the classes and each type you can find in the region. All quests
linked to this region are listed in the second row. The statistics are, in order, the
number of years before respawn, the trap level, treasure level and hostile encounter.
For more details see the regions statistics section (link below).
How to get there?
Well, every one is always in a hurry to get there. So what? If you cannot go somewhere
in this game it's because you didn't fulfill the minimum requirements to go there.
To be eligible for Regna you need at least to receive the order from the council.
Council you formed during your alliance with tree factions of Jadame. Only when
you have the order, the road, I should said sea path, to the island is open to you.
When you have the order to go to Regna make your way to Dagger Wound Island,
the start region. There you will find a new outpost build by the pirates. This
outpost is in the south of the region on a small island (see DWI map,
yellow 4).
Make your way in downstairs to the room with a submarine. Once you have access to
it you can go for free to Regna.
Once you arrive in Regna activate the town portal by drinking from the main fountain
in the center of the village Harecksburg. If you do the quest properly you will now
be able to go with the boat from Ravenshore on Sunday ( The Dauntless).
Warnings: Do not leave the island before you sink the pirate
fleet or you will suffer from extra fighting with the pirates in Ravenshore AND
you will lose all your gold in Bank! There is a fort on
top of the hill in the village, this has nothing to do with the sub den and is the entry
point to explore the whole region.
- The Region of Regna
- The Region of Dagger Wound Island - Map
- The Region of Dagger Wound Island
- Regions Statistics
Regions Statistics
Here some statistics about the regions of Jadame. Each region has some default
settings that can come to hand. Each region is considered as an outdoor area,
thus uses the outdoor 3D Engine. Here you can cast all the outside
area spells without restriction. The only exception is the Plane of Earth
that is an inside area. But first some explanation about the bases.
Each region has a counter that is activated the first time you enter it. Each day
that passes on Jadame the counter will increase. If it reaches the respawn
limit of the given region this one will be reset. By reset we mean all monsters,
chest and ground goodies are regenerated. This also means that you have to fight
again to kill all the hostile inhabitants. All this means that all the objects that
where on the ground you didn't pick up will be replaced as well as the content of
each chest.
The time counting in Jadame goes as follow:
1 week = 7 days
1 month = 4 weeks
1 year = 12 month
This bring use to 6 months is equivalent to 168 days and 1 year
is 336 days. All respawn times are given in days but are a mutable of month
or years.
Traps and Treasures
Each region has a certain difficulty, when the difficulty increases the traps level
will increase. You will need a better disarm skill in order to remove them. I'm
personally not sure how the traps point work, but it's possible you need to have a
level 3 times the trap level. This corresponds approximately to the disarm skill
The same goes for the treasures. The better the region is (higher treasure level) the
better the items you find. A Level 6 means you have a good chance to find a Artifact,
Relic, Special Item or high level magical item.
This will have a direct impact as well on the chests you will find. But better treasure
means better trap and more damage if you didn't disarm it properly.
Random Encounter
This factor is only applied to you if your team is camping outside in the wild. If you
rest in an Inn you won't be affected. The encounter fact gives a probability that a
group of monsters will attack you.
If you sleep outside and the system defines a hostile encounter, the attacking monsters
will be one of the 3 type of monsters you can find in the given region. The number and
level is randomly chosen, but the attacking group will be always small.
In some regions you will encounter more then 3 type of monsters. But if you do so one
or more of them will be friendly, most of the time the 4th or more monster classes you
see are peasants. It seems that the peasant class is an extra add-on to regions and is not
considered as a monster. Same for some unique monsters you can find,
they are not part of the default description and added later on.
Region | Refil Days | Traps | Tres | Random Encounter | Monsters | % | M1 | M2 | M3 | Alvar | 672 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 0 | 50 | 50 | Dark Elf Warrior, Ogre Warrior and Wasp Warrior | Dagger Wound Island | 672 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 100 | 0 | Lizardmen Warrior, Wimpy Pirate Warrior Male and Couatl (winged snake) | Garrote Gorge | 336 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 100 | 0 | 0 | Naga,Wimpy Dragon and Dragon Hunter | Ironsand Desert | 336 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 50 | 0 | 50 | Gog, Trolls and Cyclops | Murmurwoods | 336 | 2 | 3 | 10 | 60 | 20 | 20 | Will'O Wisp, Basilisk and Unicorn | Ravage Roaming | 336 | 2 | 3 | 10 | 30 | 30 | 40 | Wyvern, Gorgon and Ogre Warrior | Ravenshore | 672 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 0 | 50 | 50 | Human Mercenary, Centaur, Dire Wolf | Regna | 672 | 5 | 4 | 10 | 34 | 33 | 33 | Pirate Warrior Male, Pirate Crossbowman (Female) and Pirate Mage Male | Shadowspire | 336 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 50 | 0 | 50 | Vampire (monster), Skeletons Archer and Bone Dragon | Plane of Air | 336 | 5 | 4 | 10 | 50 | 25 | 25 | Air Elemental, Thunderbird and Raven Man | Plane of Earth | 336 | 5 | 4 | 10 | 50 | 0 | 50 | Earth Elemental, Malevolent Boulder and Juggernaut | Plane of Fire | 336 | 5 | 4 | 10 | 50 | 25 | 25 | Fire Elemental, Efreeti and Salamander | Plane of Water | 336 | 5 | 4 | 10 | 50 | 25 | 25 | Water Elemental, Triton and Dragon Turtle | Plane Between Planes | 168 | 10 | 5 | 10 | 30 | 50 | 20 | Ether Knight, Plane Guardian and Nightmare |
The monster classes are given by M1 to M3. In some cases there are only one or two type
of monsters in a given place. The Earth Plane is the only region that is considered
as an inside place. Thus you cannot cast your favorite spell: Armageddon :(.
- The Region of Alvar
- The Region of Dagger Wound Island
- The Region of Garrote Gorge
- The Region of Ironsand Desert
- The Region of Murmurwoods
- The Region of Ravage Roaming
- The Region of Ravenshore
- The Region of Regna
- The Region of Shadowspire
- The Plane of Air
- The Plane of Earth
- The Plane of Fire
- The Plane of Water
- The Plane Between Planes
Vori, this region is a fantastic subject of discussion. Vori, the land of snow
and ice in the northwest of Erathia ( Might and Magic VII).
The snow Elves and the Frost Giants are the former inhabitants of this cold region.
Later one, the Elves migrated to the more suitable climate of Tularean Forest.
This regions raises a lot of questions, even in Might and Magic VIII.
It also has caused a community board war. So what, does it really exist? How can you get there?
Does it Exists?
First Vori does exist in the Might and Magic universe.
It is on the map of Might and Magic VII. In Heroes
of Might and Magic III there is even a map to play with it. So
Vori does exist for sure.
Vori exists also on our good old Earth. You can visit the place any time,
but I recommend October because it's very hot there in the summer.
Can I go there?
But, in the second hand, in Might and Magic VII it is impossible to
go there (other claims from well). The subject is then hot again! In Might and
Magic VIII again, impossible to go to Erathian ground, the story is in Jadame.
So in no Might and Magic RPG you can go to this fresh region.
So if you really want to see it play Heroes of Might and Magic III.
The other way is to have a look about the excellent fantasy of Ribannah about
Vori. She has well developed the subject and the White Goblin is still alive.
The other possibility is to book a round trip to the real Vori!
Map & Statistics
The ice island! Cold here so take some warm cloth with you.
Monsters |
Elven 1 {Elven Warrior, Elven Defender and Elven Lancer},
Snow Hydra {Cold Hydra, Snow Hydra and Blizzard Hydra} and
White Goblin {White Goblin, Snow Goblin and Storm Goblin}
| Quests |
Cheese Factory, Find Hermit and White Goblin.
| Statistics | Respawn: 2 year, Traps: 6, Treasure: 4, Hostile Encounter: 10% {0%, 50%, 50%} |
1 These monsters are pacific; they will only attack you if you take the initiative.
The Monsters are the classes and each type you can find in the region. All quests
linked to this region are listed in the second row. The statistics are, in order, the
number of years before respawn, the trap level, treasure level and hostile encounter.
For more details see the regions statistics section (link below).
- All the ways to Vori from Ribannah
- The Real Vori
- The MM8 Vori